Top 10 health benefits of organic food

10 health benefits of organic food when ompared with conventional foods. Also it has fewer pesticides and antibiotics making them a healthier choice.

11/16/20236 min read

In this blog post we will explore: 1) 10 Benefits of organic food 2) Foods you should always buy organic, 3) How to wash food properly.

Benefits of organic food for health
Benefits of organic food for health

10 benefits of organic food. What science says about eating organic food:

Despite the fact that scientific research is still in progress and opinions may differ, there is some scientific evidence that organic food is healthier. However, studies that do show organic foods are healthier have found only small to moderate differences between their nutrient content and conventional foods.

Having said that, there are several potential benefits have been associated with eating organic and natural.

What science says about organic products:

These are some of the key health benefits of organic food from the scientific literature available, that concludes:

  • It is possible that organic produce contains slightly more nutrients than conventional produce, but the difference may not be clinically significant.

  • Pesticide residues are lower in organic food-eaters' urine, but both organic and conventional groups have residue levels below safe levels.

  • There are relatively few differences between organic and conventional milk and meat when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids.

So we can see that Organic food may have some health benefits but as of scientific conclusion so far, organic food might not provide better or significantly higher health benefits than conventional food.

Below are a few clear distinctions between organic and conventional food and why switching to an organic diet seems to be a good option:

10 benefits of organic food:

Lets find out 10 health benefits of consuming organic food.

  1.  Pesticide exposure:

    This is likely to be the most important factor when buying organic food. There is a likelihood that organic farming uses less synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers resulting in lower pesticide residues in food.

  2. Nutrient density:

    Several studies have shown that fruits and vegetables that are grown organically contain more vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus than those that are grown conventionally. Organic food promotes healthier living conditions by avoiding synthetic chemicals in our diets.

  3. Antioxidant Content:

    Higher antioxidant levels in organic foods can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. You may ask the significance of higher antioxidant levels in organic food well, it is because chronic diseases and cell damage are caused by free radicals and it is antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and limits their damage, making organic and natural food a better option.

  4. No Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs):

    Genetically modified organisms are not used in organic agriculture as GMO's area concern to some people. A GMO introduces genes from one species into another resulting in unpredictable results in our body whereas the organic approach focuses on natural processes without synthetic inputs, including GMO.

  5. Antibiotic resistance:

    Antibiotic-resistant bacteria may be less likely to develop in organic animal farming since fewer or no antibiotics are used. In addition, organic feed usually doesn't contain hormones or antibiotics and the natural environment helps to prevent antibiotic-resistant bacteria from spreading aswell.

  6. No Artificial Additives or Preservatives:

    Colors, flavours, preservatives and sweeteners are generally not added to organic processed foods.

  7. Allergen reduction:

    The use of organic foods may reduce sensitivities and allergies to certain synthetic additives and pesticides. GMOs, hormones and synthetic additives are often absent from organic foods and for this reason, allergy sufferers find organic food safer.

  8. Taste and flavour:

    The flavour of organic foods is more robust than that of conventional foods.

  9. Supports digestive and immune health:

    A healthy digestive system may be supported by organic foods particularly fruits and vegetables also, organic foods may have a higher nutrient content and lower pesticide residues contributing to a stronger immune system.

  10. No synthetic hormones or Growth Promoters:

    Hormones and growth-promoting drugs are not used in organic livestock production. As a result of this, the natural diet and growth cycles of the animals are maintained leading their meat being safer and natural as it is suppose to be for human consumption.

As far as health benefits of consuming organic food is concerned, it is important to note that while some of the benefits mentioned above have been proven, their overall health impact is still being researched and debated as other factors like diet, lifestyle and genetics also play a significant role in health outcomes

It's important to know that choosing organic eating just isn't beneficial for personal health but also has wider impact on our surroundings and society and planet as a whole.

So let's see 5 benefits that happens when we consume organic food.

5 Far reaching Benefits of eating organic food to community as a whole:

Embracing organic food is not only beneficial for individual health but also has far-reaching positive impacts on the our planet and eco-system as a whole.

  1. Better Animal Welfare:

    There are often higher standards of animal welfare in organic agriculture such as pasture and outdoor space.

    When eating organic, we support farmers who play an essential role in our communities by providing us with fresh and wholesome produce while prioritising the welfare of animals and respecting nature's balance.

  2. Supporting Small-Scale Farmers:

    Local and small organic farmers often use sustainable farming practices. The consumption of organic food supports local farmers who practice ethical farming, strengthening local economies and fostering community.

  3. Reduce environmental pollution:

    By avoiding synthetic chemicals, organic farming minimizes pollution which benefits everybody. Rotating crops reduces the need for chemical fertilisers which can negatively impact the environment. Natural fertilisers and crop rotation are often practices used in organic farming to maximize sustainability. Rotating crops reduces the need for chemical fertilisers which can negatively impact the environment. Additionally, organic fertilisers such as compost and manure are more sustainable than chemical fertilisers as they are derived from natural sources and are biodegradable.

  4. Improved biodiversity:

    In addition to supporting more plants, insects and wildlife, organic farms can also promote ecosystem health. Natural ecosystems can be restored by organic farming practices such as avoiding synthetic pesticides and fertilisers. In addition, organic farms can also provide food and shelter to native species which encourages biodiversity.

  5. Improved soil health:

    More fertile and resilient soils can be achieved with organic farming practices. Organic farming practices natural methods such as crop rotations and composting which promote sustainability by preserving soil quality and reducing pollution. By supporting natural agriculture, communities contribute to a cleaner environment and protect natural resources for future generations.

10 foods you should always buy organic:

Because of the high pesticide levels, Environmental Working Group (EWG) has a list of food that might contain pesticides level in high quantity and and could be threat to human health thus, its better buying these 10 foods organic for healthy eating:

10 foods to always buy organic
10 foods to always buy organic

1: Strawberries:

Environmental Working Group (EWG) Dirty Dozen list ranks strawberries as the most pesticide-residued on it's fruits and vegetable list. Unlike other fruits, strawberries have thin skin which allows pesticides to penetrate more easily, so its better to have organic strawberries.

2: Spinach:

The pesticide residues in spinach are high. This food is also nutrient-rich making it vital for our health and so, eating Organic spinach is better if you're worried about pesticides.

3: Kale:

Pesticide residues are also high in kale. The food is also nutrient-dense, so it should be part of your diet. Kale that is organic is better if you're concerned about pesticides.

4: Nectarines:

Pesticide residues are high in nectarines, a type of peach. The fruit is also delicious and nutritious so, on your next shopping trip, look for organic nectarines if you are concerned about pesticide exposure.

5: Apples:

Apples are a popular fruit around the world abundent with Fiber and vitamin C. Apples, however, contain high pesticide residues so it's advisable to buy organic apples which will likely contain less pesticides.

6: Grapes:

Grapes are nutritious and delicious fruits which are high in antioxidants. Grapes however, contain pesticide residues too consequently rating them higher on list of organic shopping.

7: Peaches:

Healthy and delicious, peaches are a great fruit. They are also high in fiber and vitamin A. Peaches contain pesticide residues, too making them a must for organic buying.

8: Celery:

Fiber and potassium are both found in celery, a low-calorie vegetable. Pesticide residues are also high in celery.

9: Tomatoes:

You can use tomatoes in a variety of dishes. Vitamin C and lycopene in them are most beneficial and they contain antioxidants. Pesticide residues are also high in tomatoes.

10: Potatoes:

Potassium and vitamin C are found in potatoes, which are starchy vegetables. There is also a high pesticide residue in potatoes so better buy organic potatoes.

Importance of washing fruits and vegetables properly:

Whether eating organic or conventional, it is recommended by Environmental Working Group (EWG) to properly wash fruits and vegetables.

One way of washing fruits and veg properly is putting them in a bowl of warm water with baking powder and apple cider vinegar, leaving fruits and veg in it for a few minutes. Then rinse them with clean water and properly dry them with clean dry cloth before consuming.


Even though no clear evidence has been presented by research done so far on whether organic food consumption is better or not, it is pretty clear from the above health benefits stated that going organic is a better choice for our health and the environment and planet at the same time.

Having said that, food choices, whether eating organically or conventionally produced, are ultimately personal. An individual's dietary preferences and health concerns should be discussed with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian who can provide tailored advice based on their individual situation.

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